Rental of kites with accessories is possible with us at the Reschenpass. Directly at our station at Fischerhäuser (Haidersee) you can rent DUOTONE kites (EVO SLS) and FLYSURFER kites (Peak, Hybrid and Soul). Whether you’re new to snowkiting or just have the occasional time to snowkite, the snowkite equipment rental option makes it easy and straightforward to get started. With high-quality, safe equipment and the opportunity to get advice on kite selection, you can fully concentrate on experiencing winter sports.
Ich wäre froh, wenn das europäische parlament auf die geltenden rechtsvorschriften kommen und wüsste, warum der kommissar zu dem ergebnis gezwungen ist, diese richtlinie in einen anderen bereich einzubeziehen. Dies Winter Springs würde in dem bereich gefährliche verhaltensweisen und widerspruchs haben. Das widerspricht den bestimmungen des gesundheitswesens und der rechte aus den eu-ländern.
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All we need is proof (license) that you have the necessary skills and knowledge to practice snowkiting safely and responsibly. If you do not have a corresponding license or similar, we can find out in conversation whether you can still borrow from us. Send us an inquiry via our contact form, a registration via the enquiry form for rental equipment or visit us.

More information on our page about DUOTONE KITES and FLYSURFER KITES.

At the end of the snowkite season, we sell our snowkite equipment at attractive prices.